Benefits Of Puzzles For Child Development

As loving parents, we all want to do our best to help our little ones grow up to be happy and successful in their daily lives. Happiness and good luck are very well-balanced qualities and we need to help our little ones take a very important initiative in life from an early age.

Does your child or preschooler have puzzles that he or she sometimes plays with? How much do you try to sit with him and encourage him to play with them?

Parents offer puzzles and similar activities to children without understanding the importance of puzzles and working with children to develop riddles and entertainment.

Those who learn quickly in life are always able to use a lot of things related to success, happiness, wealth and confidence, so no matter how old your child is, you can help them right away. The easiest way to stimulate your child’s mind is to give them fun and simple counseling so that you never let your child get angry and always encourage them to keep their minds active. Wooden puzzles are best for a small child because they look bright, fun, they are safe and hygienic, because they can be washed later.

You should always make sure that you allow your child to have a fun time reading, one rule is to prevent their puzzles from appearing as time-consuming tasks, always making them enjoyable and as playful as possible. You should always give them a reward for their efforts and an extra special gift after completing the puzzle correctly.

If you want to give your child a real education, it’s time to solve puzzles, put fantasy toys with flashing lights and music.

Can Toddlers Make puzzles?

Absolutely. They may not be able to make a 48-piece puzzle right now, but they start there with puzzle puzzles.

Preschoolers need to make them regularly and be able to fill difficult puzzles with small pieces as they get older.

When do children start making puzzles?

From about 18 months, they can start games in the form of basic puzzles, such as turning blocks into a form sorter.

Do you teach children to make puzzles?

The beauty of the game is that children learn their skills through trial and error. If your babies face all the puzzles early, they will learn how to do them.

You can show them how the item fits or make them interested by playing with them, but if they are large enough, they are sure to define something.

Starting them early will be a good basis for building many puzzles for preschoolers.

The best types of puzzles for your child’s development
There are several different puzzles that you can solve for your little ones. Here are some of them. Their difficulties are different. Start your child with simple shaped testers.

This is an example of a shape sorter. It is usually made of plastic or wood.

Figure identifiers are great for learning to recognize and identify shapes that children need to learn to complete puzzles.

Children need to feel something on a real level to learn. Large, three-dimensional figures are more suitable for development than small, flat puzzles.

This puzzle is also a three-dimensional shape sorter, but the shapes are flat and they match the shapes that match the board.

For many children in the bedrooms are like large foam puzzle mats.

They usually consist of letters and numbers inside squares that can be removed and placed in place, and they are large enough for children to learn good tactics.


This is a mystery to children. The parts are flat (close to two dimensions) and the shape of the tree is the structure of the image instead of using standard shapes. Above each piece is a handle that can be easily removed with your little fingers.

Adolescents have a better understanding of visual perception and learn to conform to abstract forms. These parts still fit on the motherboard.

This is important because teens learn to look at pictures and drawings so that they can feel it where it is needed, using feeling and feeling. When a child feels good, he learns something.

This type of puzzle is much more developed than the previous one. The puzzle still has a wooden board, but each piece has its own edge. The whole picture, which consists of several parts, corresponds to the structure.

To complete this puzzle, children need to be confident in understanding the visual parts of the picture (for example, knowing that the duck’s head is at the top).

The parts are still close to each other, but since each has its own boundaries, there is more room to move them before placing them.

This is often done through trial and error, as the child learns to visualize, identify, and identify details.

It’s a simple puzzle based on much more developed visual skills. Puzzles can be from 2 to several thousand (to entertain adults!).

Puzzles consisting of 2 or more parts are easier to assemble than the previous type (with the image of a duck), so they do not necessarily go from one to another, but can make the right choice. can successfully complete.

As your child gets older, he or she will learn to solve complex puzzles with small, detailed pieces.

Children need a lot of influence to get to the stage of assembling multi-part puzzles. They do not develop this skill not only occasionally, but sometimes with puzzles. Try to spend them at home regularly.

Thus, children move on to how to solve puzzles. Not all of them learn in the same order, and not all of them are available and effective (I have only mentioned a few), but they follow similar patterns in learning. They:

  • Up to large pieces
  • From three-dimensional to two-dimensional parts
  • Up to several parts
  • Clear, clear pictures for complex, detailed pictures

How do you know what riddles your child is ready for?

As a simple rule, your child should be able to complete the puzzle in a relatively short time, always successfully. They have to be a little patient, but they always have to be able to finish it.

In this way, they develop a desire to succeed and to continue.

When your child completes the puzzle quickly, it’s time to make it a little harder.

The worst thing is to have a child who is angry at the riddles, rejects them and hates them.

So now that you know how to present puzzles and teach your children how to make them, let’s take a brief look at why puzzles are important for children’s reading and the many benefits of playing with them.

What skills do puzzles develop?

Puzzles help to develop early childhood.

They directly affect your child’s ability to read, write and do math and more. This is one of the best types of toys and should be made regularly.

General motor skills
A child’s first puzzles usually have large parts and are placed on the floor. This means that the whole body is involved in their creation and general motor skills can be developed.

The general motor refers to the large muscles of the body. Children develop large muscles earlier than small ones (for example, a baby learns to lift his head until he learns to hold a toy).

Good motor skills
The fine motor controls small muscles such as the fingers, toes, and eyes. Children need good motor skills to hold a pencil and develop writing skills.

Games and activities that develop medium and fine motor skills are needed to learn to write later.

Eye coordination

Eye coordination is the movement of the hands in the direction of the eye. The child’s hands and eyes work together to complete the tasks.

Children need to be able to complete daily tasks, play sports and read and write manually. Reading and writing skills require well-developed visual control.

Puzzles teach the brain to coordinate eye and hand movements.

Visual perception

Visual perception is a skill needed to learn to read, write and perform mathematics. This means the brain’s ability to see and understand.

It’s not about vision, it’s about the correct processing of visual information.

A visually impaired child may, for example, try to see a pattern in words while reading, reverse letters while writing, or work with three-dimensional shapes.

Puzzles are one of the best ways to develop visual perception. Children learn about color, shape, pattern, deep perception, and more. knows about.

Language and concept development

Puzzles allow a child to increase vocabulary and improve language skills. Images and pictures in parts depict objects and concepts.

If a parent has the opportunity to expand their child’s vocabulary, they will be further strengthened:

How many ducks swim in the lake?
You only have two pieces left!
Where to put the eyes?
Let’s find another pair of shoes.

To solve the problem

All puzzles are basically problems that need to be solved. Each of them is difficult and requires strategic thinking.

Problem solving begins with simple skills, such as building puzzles and learning challenges in school and especially in the workplace.

Success and self-confidence

It is very important for children to always be successful. In the same way, they develop a sense of competence and value. A sense of knowledge is one of the basic emotional needs of a child.

Puzzles are a great way to succeed, because a completed puzzle is a clear sign of success. It is also a difficult task, so children know that it takes a lot of effort to achieve this.


The nature of a puzzle is that, unlike blocks, it must be built in such a way that it can do anything at any time.

Few children would be satisfied to leave the mystery untouched. This is a recipe for developing perseverance, because the child’s desire to complete the puzzle works in order to feel the satisfaction of achieving something.


Assembling a puzzle is a great way to work in a focus area.

As mentioned above, the puzzle must end so that the child can feel that he did it right. This means that he may be ready to work as long as he needs to.

Repeated distractions over time lead to improved concentration.

Social skills

Completing a puzzle with a brother or friend is a great opportunity to work with social skills.

Children need to interact and work together and they feel satisfied to work towards a common goal.

Relieve tension

Puzzles not only develop many physical, social and cognitive skills, but also provide emotional release. Working out quietly is a way to relieve stress and relax while studying. Calm, relaxed children are always in a good place to learn.

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